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East Coast Karate

Developing Mind - Body - Spirit

ECK 2024-2025 SCHEDULE - ECK 2021_edited

RYUKYU HON KENPO KOBUJUTSU Our style of karate here at East Coast Karate is called Ryukyu Hon Kenpo Kobujutsu as taught by Grand Master Seikichi Odo of Okinawa.  We maintain a traditional karate and weapons system with origins dating back more than 2,000 years.  Traditional martial arts were developed strictly for self defense thus enhancing their effectiveness.  If it didn’t work, there was nobody left to pass it on.  Master Odo combined his karate with kobudo or weaponry many years ago in order to teach a complete kobujitsu system in the spirit of the samurai.

GETTING STARTED Our traditional martial arts program develops MIND-BODY-SPIRIT. Our program teaches skills  to protect oneself and the confidence to do so. Positive attitudes are created, self-discipline develops, responsibility increases, and the ability to be persistent allows success. Our students gain focus, respect, and enthusiasm. Consistent participation in our program leads to success in other areas of life. Our introductory class is designed to introduce you to what we do in our program and is open to students ages 6 through adult. Students should come in comfortable exercise clothes and participants will be in their bare feet. No uniform is required. Introductory classes are held the third Monday of each month. ​Once students have completed this 1 time course, they are able to register for full time classes between the 1st and 5th of the following month. Between the introductory course and the beginning of the next month, new students are invited to purchase a uniform and attend classes.  Information on placement in classes will be given to families/students at the conclusion of the introductory course. Upon registration for classes, students will be required to purchase a uniform to be worn in all classes. The cost of the uniform is $25 and will be purchased through the department.

Little Kuma classes- no discounts 
Regular classes:  2nd family member 25% off, 3rd family member 50% off.  
Black Belt Club and Kobujutsu classes, no discounts

All Questions? Please email


Beginners: white, yellow, and orange belts
Intermediate: blue, green, and green stripe belts
Advanced: purple and brown belts

East Coast Karate At-A-Glance Schedule (View and Download PDF)

(Our calendar contains dates for testing, promotions, sparring, Black Belt Club, events, planned closures, etc.)



Payments are due the 1st of every month and are automatically withdrawn from billing information stored online.

INTRODUCTORY MARTIAL ARTS CLASS Instructors: Mrs. Logue All new East Coast Karate martial arts students, ages 6+, are required to participate in an introductory class. Our traditional martial arts program develops MIND-BODY-SPIRIT. Our program teaches skills  to protect oneself and the confidence to do so. Positive attitudes are created, self-discipline develops, responsibility increases, and the ability to be persistent allows success.  Our students gain focus, respect, and enthusiasm. Consistent participation in our program leads to success in other areas of life. Our introductory class is designed to introduce you to what we do in our program and is open to students ages 6 through adult. Students should come in comfortable exercise clothes (long pants and t-shirt). Participants will be in their bare feet. No uniform is required for the introductory class. Once students have completed this one time class, they are able to attend classes for the rest of the month at no extra cost for classes, if desired. A uniform must be purchased to continue to attend classes for the month. The cost of the uniform is $25  and will be charged through the  account on file.   Registration will need to take place on the first of the next month to not incur additional charges.  More information on placement in classes will be given to families/students during the introductory class. Upon registration for classes, students will be required to purchase a uniform to be worn in all classes. The cost of the uniform is $25 and will be charged through the account on file.  Students will choose one section of the recommended class and attend on the designated weekdays scheduled. ​ Every third Monday of the month (Effective September 18, 2022) Upcoming Intro class Dates: February 17 | 5:45 - 6:45 PM March 17 | 5:45 - 6:45 PM April 21 | 5:45 - 6:45 PM May 19 | 5:45 - 6:45 PM $20.00 Not eligible for family discounts

​​​​Little Kuma: Ages 3-5 Instructors: Mrs. Logue and Mr. Stettler **New Little Kuma students are accepted for enrollment the 1st of each month.** “Kuma” means bear in Japanese. The objective of this program is to develop karate skills and life skills in a safe, fun, and controlled environment. The format includes developing each child in the following areas: self-control, respect, focus, listening, paying attention, teamwork, self-confidence, balance, physical fitness, and following directions. All this will be done utilizing games, skills and drills, and age appropriate activities. The students will have their own belt system and rank requirements. A uniform is required and will be charged to the parent account on file. Students will choose one section and attend on the two designated weekdays scheduled.

$65 per month/ongoing through August 31, 2025 *Not eligible for family discounts

Section A: Monday | Wednesday, 5:00-5:30 pm

Section B: Tuesday | Thursday, 5:45-6:15 pm

Section C: Tuesday | Thursday, 5:00-5:30 pm

Section D: Monday | Wednesday, 4:30-5:00 pm

MARTIAL ARTS BEGINNER KIDS: Ages 6-12  Instructors: Mr. Stettler, Mrs. Logue **All NEW students must complete an introductory class prior to registering for classes. ** This class is open to students ages 6 through 12 and belt levels white and yellow.   Students will choose one section and attend on the two designated weekdays scheduled.

$105 per month/ongoing through August 31, 2025

Section A: Monday | Wednesday, 6:15-7:00 pm

Section B: Tuesday | Thursday, 6:15-7:00 pm

Section C: Tuesday | Thursday, 6:15-7:00 pm


Yocum Institute for Arts Education

3000 Penn Avenue, West Lawn, PA 19609


©2023 Yocum Institute for Arts Education

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